Monday, June 28, 2010

Another summer top

The first one was so comfortable, I found myself reaching for it in the morning all the time. When I started a load of laundry just so I can wear it the next day, I know it's time to make another one. This time, I made the back narrorier, and added pockets!

It's perfect for a hot summer day like what we had last weekend. I will probably make more. But first, I need to find the right fabric - something with a better drape.


  1. Natalie, Well done ! This one is very pretty and I like you fabric choice .

  2. Well done, Natalie, the top looks great. Really fresh and pretty. It's such a great style, it would be lovely as a dress too.

  3. how much fabric did you need?

  4. Casey, I used approximately 1.5 meter. The front and back **barely** fitted side-by-side (fabric folder like a double french door), ruffle front and back folded on center, one fat quarter for bia tapes with lots of leftover, and another fat quarter for pockets. If you cannot fit the front and back side-by-side, you will need a bit more. Do show us pictures if you make one. :-)

  5. Hi! Just been checking out your sewing projects and I love them all! You have talent at picking great fabric for the projects.

    PS I was sad to read about your beet garden! I hope your husband learnt something from the experience!

  6. antmee, that's a really nice compliment. Thanks! Off to check your blog now!
