Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My husband fried my beet garden!

First off, I am not mad at him. In fact, he was very sweet and protective of my beet garden - a 8' x 3' raised bed next to the deck planted with beets and swiss chards and a couple other things. This was what it looked like on Thursday:

On Sunday he stained the deck. And to prevent the stains from dripping down to the beet garden, he covered it with a sheet of clear plastic, on a sunny day, at 28C. This, is what it looked like after a mere 3 hours:

For the next 2 hours after the discovery, I was not able to talk without choking up and breaking into tears. Yap I am very emotional when it comes to beets.

Allen and puddled around in the backyard and cleared up the patio area, which was filled with gardening tools, pots, dirts and compose and toys and you name it. After the decluttering excise I felt much better. I replanted the bed the next day. It will be beautiful and delicious again!

On a brighter note, the rest of the garden seems to be doing ok.

And I made a new cushion for my chair. I love the yellow and the birdies on the fabric. It's such a happy print.


  1. Oh dear! I am glad this happened at the beginning of the growing season so you could re-plant so quickly. Isn't it funny how cleaning can make you feel better? And I love the new pillow! Yellow is so happy- I am finding myself attracted to it all the time lately!

  2. I saw your pictures on the Flickr pool and thought "what happened?!"

  3. i'm clueless when it comes to planting vege but i must say your vege plot is really cool. i've been playing with the idea of having one.
    & your cushion cover matches your chair nicely. :)

  4. Thanks ladies! Fiona, you should have a veggie garden. It's very rewarding, unless your hubbie happens to stain the deck and cover your veggie bed. ;-)
