Sunday, June 13, 2010

A ruffled top for my little girl

I sewed this a couple weeks ago. The initial idea was to have wide ruffled straps slightly over the shoulders. But then when I put them on they were not wide enough to have the semi cap sleeves effect. So I took them out and let it sit while I muse over what to do next.

Then yesterday was really hot and the forecast for today is even hotter. I need to get it done so Sarah can wear it today! I also want to try making bias tape with this technique, which worked wonderfully, except when i cut the bias tape at the last step, I was a little distracted by the kids and accidentally cut both layers. Luckily it was a small cut at the beginning of the bias tape that I can just discard the small section. I used the fresh bias tape as spaghetti straps.

Anyhow, back to those initial straps that were too narrow. What to do with them? Matching hair band, of course!

So I have been thinking... so far most my sewing projects are for Sarah and myself. I don't want Ben to feel left out. And then I reminded myself to be realistic - he will like a trip to the playground and fresh strawberries much more than a new pair of pajama pants!

1 comment:

  1. A lovely ruffled top . I like the sweet fabric you used. I like the first photo too . She is so cute !
